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Fr. Bless,

Oh my! How timely and pertinent!

Personal story that I think fits your reflection (somewhat):

My adult daughter, along with my now seven month old grandson, moved back in with me and my wife five weeks ago. I have become his primary care-giver after my daughter. (And, yes, I love the little chunker like a son!)

The strain that has come with giving him care while working full time, sharing automobiles, increased expenses, increased pace of living, a little less sleep, etc. has served to reveal that infantilism and narcissism in me. The irritability, impatience, complaining, etc. in me has all come to the surface. (Yes, my list was much lengthier this last time at confession - LOL!)

As my grandson goes through his stress of developmental change, his 49 -year old grandfather is too.

If we, as St. Isaiah teaches, are attentive ( or try to be) I think we begin to get what I call a “helicopter” view of the changes ( in circumstances) in our lives. Further, we realize these changes are used -and tailored- by God to bring about an increased endurance, vigilance, ability & willingness to learn, and yes, gratitude.

We develop in our spiritual fine motor skills.

May we be vigilant against that infantilism and narcissism that hinders genuine communion. St. Isaiah, pray for us!

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